Bonaventure Cemetery Benches A History


Let’s face it, benches anywhere speak for themselves. One doesn’t need to so much think about “why” but rather do, as in we sit or know they’re for sitting. Its fairly automatic. Even so, some of our tourists are taken with the fact that they’re there and for us it’s surprising because, well, we just hang out in cemeteries all of the time and they seem old hat. But there’s a history there that is as old as cemeteries themselves really and hope you enjoy this video short on the subject! And don’t forget you can always get in-person understanding with Shannon Scott or one of his great storytellers at

Bonaventure Cemetery Is Forever Valentine’s Weekend


We’ve always said, “Bonaventure is 4 Lovers.” And the place is full of thousands in fact. I wish I could learn and tell every one of their stories in my own lifetime! Many of those couples would tell you that, “you only live once,” and that’s exactly why you should treat yourself and a special other to this weekend’s Bonaventure After Hours’ event! Dare to be different on date night! Bonaventure TV V-Day Commercial

So what exactly is happening? Firstly, until Shannon Scott created the opportunity for the visitor to see Bonaventure Cemetery after the gates have closed, very few folks outside of locals and the wandering stray coyote, had much wandered the grounds during what Shannon refers to as “the enchantment hours.” The regulars are all sleeping, the weedeaters have stopped whirring and its at times so quiet, you only hear your footsteps. Even fewer people have ever seen it at twilight and nightfall and this is the time of year where you can join in doing that! For greater details, please go to Bonaventure After Hours Tour

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